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Linda encourages Alfie to open up about his cancer diagnosis after feeling lonely in EastEnders

But will she open up to him too much and reveal all about Christmas?

Meeting a nervous fellow patient called Shahir during one of his last radiotherapy sessions, Alfie feels lonely when Shahir’s loved ones show up while he’s alone.

Later, Linda invites him for a drink in The Vic and gets Ian and Billy along. It’s all going well until Alfie can’t get to the toilet in time and has an accident.

Mortified about wetting himself in The Vic, Linda begs Alfie to open up to Ian and Billy about his cancer diagnosis, reasoning that he must let the people who love him support him.

After a false start, Alfie finally tells his shocked pals everything and they vow to be there for him.

Later, Linda is shaken when Ricky sends a photograph of Mick and Janine’s baby. Finding her drunk and inconsolable in The Albert, Alfie takes her home and during a heart-to-heart, a drunken Linda says more than she should.

The following day, Linda is shaken to receive a text from Alfie asking to talk about what she said. Fearing she confessed, Linda heads to meet Alfie and drinks as she’s so rattled. As Linda twists the truth to put Alfie off the scent, will it be enough?

EastEnders continues Mondays to Thursdays at 7.30pm on BBC One with first look episodes available from 6am on BBC iPlayer



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