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Meena lies lifeless in Emmerdale after Ben finds incriminating evidence

What will Ben decide to do?

When he hears he hasn't got the job due to the survival challenge disaster, Ben is fired up about taking all the blame and convinces Aaron to keep Jai distracted while he goes to the HOP to find some evidence to clear his name.

At HOP, Laurel’s shocked to find Ben and Liv at each other’s throats over Aaron and is disappointed when Ben reveals Liv’s drunk at work and sends her home. Having broken into the HOP office Ben is at a loss after failing to uncover any new evidence on the bridge collapse.

Finally turning to the body camera, Ben is horrified as he watches the shaky footage of the attempted drowning of Victoria. Calling Billy, he begs him to come to the HOP and witness this disturbing footage. However, Billy’s still annoyed after their earlier run-in and refuses. Unbeknownst to Ben, Meena is sat with Billy and has heard everything about the potentially incriminating evidence.

Interrupted by a noise, Ben finds Liv amongst smashed wine bottles as she drunkenly steals booze from the Hide. Ben orders her home, unaware they are both being watched by another intruder.

Ben feels regretful after the continued confrontation with Liv turns physical and she ends up leaving with his phone. Ben’s surprised and unnerved when a smiling Meena then appears in the office.

Lunging to grab the camera from him, Meena fails to wrestle it from him and he makes off with it. Giving chase, Meena slips in the wine Liv spilt earlier and as she lies lifeless on the floor, panicked Ben has no idea what to do.

Emmerdale continues weeknights at 7pm and Thursdays at 8pm on ITV



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