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Mercedes turns to drugs in Hollyoaks as Bobby's behaviour turns dangerous

And she's forced to make a heartbreaking decision.

Enraged by Bobby’s accusation against Sam, Mercedes confronts the local policeman to get to the bottom of it. But is Bobby telling the truth?

And when Honour suggests a specialist school for Bobby’s behavioural needs, will Mercedes even take time to consider it as she continues to leap to her son's defence?

Elsewhere, romance is alive at the Devereauxs as Pearl is encouraged to sign up to a dating app and Zoe’s attraction towards Sam is obvious even as she tries to play it cool. However, when Sam launches a charity bootcamp, Zoe is left injured due to a missing stopper on some weights.

Trying to make things right, Sam visits Zoe with a bouquet of flowers. But will she forgive and forget? And later, Zoe sets some firm boundaries between her and Sam.

Looking for an explanation, Sam checks his video footage and finds Bobby meddling with the equipment. But could he have really done something so sinister?

Back at the McQueens, Bobby starts to question his mum after finding a ‘specialised school’ leaflet and after some harsh words, things get heated and Bobby is knocked unconscious.

Later, when Bobby overhears Misbah saying Cleo has voiced her worries about his behaviour, he leaps into action. But as he sets a dangerous trap, Mercedes is almost hurt in the process and Bobby is forced to reveal his intentions. What excuse will he come up with?

Another visit from Mike, the social worker, gets too overwhelming for Mercedes and she turns to old habits and purchases drugs as Aunt Wendy's ulterior motives are revealed.

But when a panicked Mercedes snaps at Matthew-Jesus for playing with her handbag, is it too late? Have they already found the drugs?

And as Mercedes breaks down in front of Sally, she makes a heartbreaking decision for Bobby’s welfare.

Hollyoaks continues Mondays to Fridays at 6.30pm on Channel 4 with first look episodes available weekday mornings on All4 and weekday evenings at 7pm on E4



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