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Moira headbutts Ruby after accusing her of trying to sleep with Cain in Emmerdale

Confused, can Cain get to the bottom of what's going on?


When Moira spots Cain and Ruby bantering, a squeeze of the arm by Ruby sees Moira’s anger bubble up.

Barging into Mill Cottage, Moira confuses Ruby as she accuses her of trying to sleep with Cain, As Cain and Caleb arrive, Moira headbutts Ruby and has to be restrained by Cain who takes an aggressive Moira away.

As Caleb hopes his promise to sort it will appease furious Ruby, Cain is confused by Moira’s actions and demands to know what’s going on.

Realising she’s forgotten to go for her blood tests, Cain storms outside, leaving Moira confused and upset.

Emmerdale continues Mondays to Fridays at 7.30pm on ITV1


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