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Phil admits to Ben about sleeping with Kat in EastEnders

Could things between them be getting more serious?

Kat and Phil are getting dressed after another hook up when Phil suggests they go to a hotel next time, leaving Kat uneasy at the thought of this getting more serious.

When Ben later tells explains that it was Kat who ratted them out to Stas, he admits that he's been seeing her! How will Ben react?

Trying to set Kat up with a new man, Kim asks her what she’s looking for and as Kat ends up describing Phil she later admits that she has slept with Phil, much to Kim’s amusement! But after assuring Kim it’s casual, Kim continues to push her to let her set her up.

Ben meanwhile, encourages Phil to go on a dating app to find someone more suitable than Kat.

EastEnders continues Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays on BBC One


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