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Young cast at the heart of Emmerdale in 2021

Jealousy, resentment, betrayal, dark secrets and compelling story twists are at the heart of the soap in the months ahead.

As Emmerdale continues in 2021, some of their youngest residents will find themselves at the centre of the drama. With Executive Producer Jane Hudson hinting at what's in store of the young actors who have established themselves as more than capable of leading storylines throughout the last 12 months.

She said "We are so lucky to have such a talented group of young actors who can deliver some of our biggest storylines. It's exciting to watch characters grow up and see how they develop and how their actions shape their futures. And there is plenty of action coming up which will take the young Emmerdale characters on journeys the audience won't be expecting."

Here's what Emmerdale fans can expect for each character over the coming months...

Vinny, Paul and Mandy

Vinny is under the cosh. His father is a brutal bully but Vinny will do anything to protect his mum Mandy from knowing the truth. How long before Mandy sees Paul’s true colours? Will Vinny manage to cope? Or could Mandy have marriage in mind?

Bradley Johnson, who plays Vinny said "Vinny’s path has been extremely troubling since his dad arrived in the village and he’s constantly being let down and betrayed. He clearly wants to believe his dad will change, but he will find himself on a long, dark and isolating journey."

Adding "Getting to grips with the character and exploring the abuse Vinny suffers at the hands of his father has been a great learning experience and one I want to do justice."


Liv is recovering from her epilepsy diagnosis and trying to support Vinny, but with Paul making his influence and presence felt how much can Liv intervene?

Actress Isobel Steele who plays her said "I’m really looking forward to seeing how Vinny and Liv’s relationship develops naturally and is put to the test. I’m also excited to see how Liv deals with her newly diagnosed epilepsy and how this affects her confidence as a young woman."

Sarah and Debbie

Sarah’s back running wild and loose, but with Debbie back on the scene can she rein in her young runaway or will living for the moment prove too strong for Sarah? And will she resist the lure of bad boy Danny?

When Sarah lies to protect herself the result is fallouts and rifts that splinter right through the village. Can Debbie continue to support Sarah despite it all?

Katie Hill who plays Sarah said "The start of this year is going to be quite an eventful one for Sarah as a lot is going on that will affect her - and she’s left feeling lonely and unwanted."

Adding "When Danny returns, she sees an opportunity to feel wanted and cared for by someone again. However, as we know, Danny has a dangerous past with drugs. Will Sarah get dragged down this path again?”


Ethan’s world will be turned upside down when he comes into contact with Sarah Sugden. Through no fault of his own he finds himself on the wrong side of the law and with some explaining to do to his father, new vicar Charles.

Emile John who joins the soap in 2021, said "Ethan’s arrival is far from quiet and he soon finds himself at the mercy of the Dingles. But that’s not all. We’ll soon find out more about Ethan and his past which could have huge consequences for others. I’ve loved playing Ethan so far and I can’t wait to see where the character is heading.”


Leanna is missing Jacob who has been staying in Portugal and her friendship with Gabby is strained after everything that went on with her father, Dr Liam and Leyla. Will Leanna repair broken friendships? And will her romance withstand the distance of being parted from Jacob?

Mimi Slinger who plays her said "Leanna has found herself quite isolated with Jacob’s absence and she’ll be sure to question whether their relationship is strong enough to last the distance. I love playing Leanna, she has so many layers to her and I’m looking forward to exploring her story further."


Amelia has had a tough 2020 when she found herself stepping up to the plate as a full time carer for her injured, destitute dad Dan. With money so tight Amelia resorted to crime. Can she be free from the woes of their financial problems and worries about her father’s health?

Daisy Campbell who plays Amelia said "I’m looking forward to seeing Amelia grow up and mature over 2021. It would be nice to see her have some happiness this year and for it not be quite as tough going for her. But I love working with my second dad and seeing how Amelia responds to the responsibilities put on her by her dad's ongoing situation."


Samson Dingle had to leave his girlfriend behind in France to settle back at home with his family. In the coming weeks Samson will be influenced by Noah, but could there be serious repercussions for this impressionable teen.

Sam Hall who plays him said "It’s great being Samson and part of the Dingles. Sam will take a big risk this coming year by helping his cousin Noah. He might be bringing himself a lot of trouble, only time will tell!"


Gabby has struggled for the last few months. She almost lost Dr Liam his career, messed up things with Leyla and found herself alone and out in the cold. With Laurel and Jai still coming to terms with their recent sad decision, could Gabby set her sights towards Home Farm and handsome Jamie Tate? And could Kim Tate recognise something of herself in this cunning and clever girl?

Rosie Bentham who plays her said "Gabby has had her fair share of trouble over the past year, but if she’s hoping 2021 is going to be a more settled year, she can think again. I’m excited that Gabby is at the heart of the village as she sets her sights on Home Farm and I can tell you this year is going to hold even more drama for Gabby than ever."

Emmerdale continues Monday - Friday at 7pm and Thursdays at 8pm on ITV


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