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Chelsea grows increasingly desperate as Paul puts family first in Neighbours

Is she about to lose her grip on Paul for good?


As Paul pushes Chelsea to get to the bottom of what happened with the sauna, she delays and stalls. Arranging for Cara to fix it, Chelsea explains that Penny, the main suspect, is overseas.

Paul’s considerate behaviour towards Krista makes Leo soften towards his father and when Paul asks for him to move back, Leo considers it. Delighted, Paul tells Chelsea that his family look like getting back together again, and when he mentions that Terese is returning, Chelsea starts to panic.

In the wake of Paul turning her down, Chelsea attempts to downplay the gesture, but her efforts are thwarted when Leo and Abigail return to the penthouse.

As Paul, Leo and Krista discuss plans for Hope’s memorial, Chelsea is left feeling on the outer and is even more ostracised when Terese returns home and Paul hears about her Eirini Rising woes.

To help her out, Paul calls on a WorkSafe contact to expedite a site inspection to enable construction to resume. With Paul clearly animated to be back in Terese’s orbit, Chelsea isn’t happy at all.

Neighbours continues Mondays to Thursdays on Amazon Freevee


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