But what will Linda make of his new blossoming friendship?
After helping Mitch spend time with Keegan by suggesting they go for a kick about, Mick gives in to Mitch and agrees to help him coach the football team.
When they spend an unplanned day out together, Linda isn't best pleased but Mick has no time for her lectures. And when she asks him for help, she's taken aback by his unhelpful and snappy response.
Realising he can’t leave Linda in the lurch, Mick backs out leaving Mitch to bond with Keegan. But back at The Vic, Mick struggles to keep it together and snaps at Linda. She is later stunned when she finds him in a state.
With tensions high between them, Mick finally opens up to Linda about prison and she gives him her blessing to coach the football team with Mitch. But Mitch is worried as they get ready for their match, when the minibus doesn’t turn up.
With no sign of the minibus, Mick tries to motivate the team but Mitch warns him to manage their expectations as they have no chance of winning a match. With Linda’s encouragement, Mick starts training the children as Billy puts Will forward to join the team.
After learning the minibus isn’t coming, Mick enlists the help of the other residents to host a match in the Square but Mick’s efforts are thwarted when one of the mums, Megan, criticises his approach.
EastEnders continues Mondays at 8pm, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7:30pm and Fridays at 8pm on BBC One. These scenes will air week commencing 14th January.