Will he do the right thing and tell Glenda the truth?
Calling at No.11 with some washing, Glenda gets offended when George reveals that he’s updating his will and would like Eileen to accept power of attorney, and storms out.
Suspicious, Eileen calls at the undertakers to find Todd plying George with tea and biscuits. Will George realise Todd’s hidden agenda?
Later, in the undertakers, George files away a copy of his new will as an intrigued Todd watches on.

But when Eileen catches Todd reading through George’s will, he reveals that George is leaving him the business and she points out that he’d change his mind if he knew he’d gone behind his back.
As Todd slips George’s will back in the file, he discovers a copy of Archie Shuttleworth’s will and quickly hides it inside his pocket. What has Todd discovered?
At No.11, Eileen packs the last of her things for Thailand and tells George that Todd found a copy of Archie’s will which states that Glenda is to have half the business.
As George peruses his Dad’s will, Todd does his best to play down its importance. Will George tell Glenda the truth?
Coronation Street continues Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV1