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I TALK Him & Her: The Wedding

I've said it before, but it's worth saying again, Him & Her is one of the best (and most under-rated) sitcoms of recent times. But sadly, all good things must come to an end and when a fourth series was announced, it was announced to be the final series.

Lots has changed for this series, most noticeably, they are no longer in the flat. That's right, Becky, Steve, and the rest of the gang have swapped the bedsit for a hotel, as they prepare for Laura and Paul's wedding.

Laura, played brilliantly by Kerry Howard, has never really been a very likeable character. We love to watch her, but no-one would want a friend like her. A bridezilla at the best of times, when she's hours away from her own wedding the bridezilla levels go through the roof. She has to be the centre of attention at any opportunity, and demands one of her friends, Bianca, to not smile as it'd ruin the photos. It's a wonder Laura even has any friends!

But Paul isn't whiter than white either, played by Ricky Champ, the last series saw hints that he might actually be gay and this continues throughout this series. But will he still marry Laura? Will Laura ever find out? Or will he have to bury the secret and get on with marrying Laura? I wouldn't want to ruin it for you, but it's definitely worth tuning in to find out.

The series is played out in real time so each of the five-episodes take on one aspect of a wedding. For example in the first episode, it's the morning of Laura and Paul's wedding and while Becky has to deal with an excited Laura, Steve can't find Paul.

Episode two takes place half an hour before the wedding, and as Laura and her bridesmaids party in the limo, Paul has a very big decision to make about his sexuality and whether or not he wants to still marry Laura. Steve is roped in to help him, oh and Becky's hiding something too - but what can it be?

Then in episode three (quite possibly my favourite episode yet), the big moment has finally arrived - the wedding. The ceremony takes place in real time and Laura comes face-to-face with a few surprises along the way.

The penultimate episode takes care of the speeches and if there's one speech to look out for, it's definitely Steve's! And then for the final episode ever (sobs), it's all about the disco... and well, I wouldn't want to ruin the ending for you.

I know what you're thinking, Laura and Paul, it's their big day, we get that, but what are Becky and Steve up to this series? Well, they're busy acting as best man and maid of honour at Becky's sister's wedding.

Oh, and how could I forget? Becky's ex, Lee turns up and appears to still have his eye on Becky. Will she feel the same about him? Will all those old feelings come flooding back? Will Steve be left on the shelf? I bloody well hope not, Becky and Steve are the most realistic couple on television, played superbly by Sarah Solemani and Russell Tovey, and I'd hate to see them apart.

I really hope this final series doesn't spell the end of Him & Her. Sure, there might never be another full series again, but there's bound to be a special somewhere down the line? When Becky and Steve get married? When they have kids? When they... find jobs?! OK, maybe not that last one.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that four series in, there is, more than ever, appetite to find out how Becky and Steve are getting on - and Laura and Paul for that matter - do they stay together?So yes, this is the final series but I hope there's more Him & Her on the way in one form or another as it really is one of the greatest sitcoms of recent times.

Him & Her returns Thursdays at 10pm on BBC Three


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