How many more chances can Kiri give her?

When Kiri tells Nicolette that she’s heading to Sasha’s old church for its last mass before it closes, their relationship hits a bump as this drags up Nicolette’s concerns about Kiri and her faith, and about how she can’t compete with it.
When Kiri calls her on this, Nicolette admits her fears and the women finally have an honest talk with Kiri quick to reassure her. As Nicolette promises to find a way to accept Kiri and her faith, the couple are stronger than ever.

Desperate for somewhere to be alone together, Kiri blurts out to a loved-up Nicolette that they should get their own place together. Nicolette instantly agrees as they both know what they want, and they’re not going to waste a second.
Nicolette suggests bringing Aaron with them, to wherever they move, so Isla doesn’t have to be separated from one of her parents. With Aaron on board with the idea, Kiri’s thrilled to witness an emotional moment between Aaron and Nicolette.
To Kiri, it’s the confirmation that Nicolette has matured, and is no longer the insecure, manipulative person she used to be.
However, this belief is shattered when Kiri finds damning evidence on Nicolette’s phone that shows she’s been keeping a detailed list of Aaron’s transgressions. Busted, Nicolette tries to explain her dossier of evidence against Aaron, but Kiri is appalled.
Unsure whether to tell Aaron what she’s learnt, Kiri seeks counsel from Remi and Cara, who urge her to consider what’s in Isla’s best interest. And Kiri softens after seeing Nicolette handle an Isla meltdown with great parenting.
Later, Nicolette explains to Kiri that the evidence she was keeping against Aaron was a misguided contingency plan she regrets. Determined to change, Nicolette deletes the list and is ashamed to admit she also consulted lawyers about the video parenting agreement she made with Aaron and David to see if it would stand in court.
When Remi ensures she calls it off, Kiri agrees to work things out but this is Nicolette’s last chance.

As Nicolette and Kiri do their best to get back on track, both professionally and personally, a comment from Cara reminds Nicolette how questionable her past is. And when a letter arrives from her lawyer, Nicolette is confused but her curiosity gets the better of her.
Although she told them to drop their work on the custody agreement, their report was ready so they sent it anyway. When Kiri catches Nicolette reading it, she realises that Nicolette has acted out of her “nervous panic” within twenty-four hours of promising she’d never behave like that again.
Neighbours continues Mondays to Thursdays on Amazon Freevee