With chemistry evident, will they rekindle their relationship?

As Paul and Terese drive to the highlands in pursuit of Leo and Sebastian, en route, Paul is so wound up that he almost hits a kangaroo.
After insisting on taking the wheel, Terese tries to distract Paul by recalling a funny anecdote, which has the desired effect of taking Paul’s mind off of Leo.
However, his happy mood is short-lived when they arrive at the ramshackle property and there’s no sign of Leo or Sebastian.
Searching the property, Terese finds a remnant of Leo’s shirt caught on a barb wire fence. Fearing the worst, Paul traipses through the bush trying to find Leo. When he stumbles across a cliff face, his fears rise from zero to a hundred.
Reminded of David’s death, Paul breaks down and cries “I can’t lose another son” and the pair rush back to the car just as a series of text messages come through from Leo. He’s totally fine and on his way home.
Embarrassed by his emotional outburst, Paul is silent as Terese starts to drive home and encourages him to open up, but Paul remains guarded as they come across a road block.
Evidently there are landslides in the area and they have no choice but to drive to a nearby town and stay overnight. As they pull up in front of a rental cabin, Paul finally admits to his deepest fears and Terese is kind and understanding.
Inside the cabin, another surprise awaits as it clearly caters to couples and was possibly decorated by Cupid himself. The discovery acts as a circuit breaker and Terese and Paul laugh.

Later, over dinner and heart-shaped chocolates, they talk about their lives and romantic history. With spark between them ever present. Terese shuts the conversation down and goes to bed.

However, neither of them can sleep and as they come together for a late night chat, they acknowledge the chemistry between them but agree they can’t go back because as a combination, they are toxic.
The next morning, Paul awakens and finds Terese outside by a gorgeous lake. Feeling energised in the bright light of morning, he makes a fresh bid for her affection as he wants her back.
Neighbours continues Mondays to Thursdays on Amazon Freevee